
Every time you buy from us, we greatly appreciate it. We appreciate it so much that we makes sure that you are rewarded. With our points program, every purchase you make earns you a chance at greater benefits in the long run. Make sure you enroll today and get the great rewards we have in store.

Why Enroll?

All that you do with HorusRC earns you a corresponding amount of points. All of these can be redeemed towards any future purchases that you make against the cost of your orders.(1000 points= $1)

This is our way of thanking you for your loyalty to HorusRC and our vision of providing the world with quality, affordable parts and items.

Tips: Reward points will  expire after 365 day(s) since the transaction date.

 How do I earn points?

HorusRC provides you with 4 very easy ways to earn points:

1. Sign up and Subscribe to Newsletters:You will earn 1000 points to register an account or subscribe to the newsletter. It is the signup bonous. 

2.Make a purchase:No matter what you choose to buy from our website, we give you 10 points for every dollar that you spend.You will receive points when your order is shipped out. Example: When "Amount of money spent per order" is $1, "Earning Point(s)" is 10. If Customer spends $30, he will receive 300 points

3. Share us with your friends: When you share us with your friends on either Facebook, Google+, Pinterest or Twitter, we give you 100 points for every share you make. The maximum points you can get for the sharing via Facebook or Twitter is 2000 points per month.(200 per day)

Tip: Minimum interval between Like/Share is 1000(seconds). This is the minimum interval between 2 different Facebook Like or Share.

4. Give us your feedback: Every time you write a review or give us feedback & rating, you earn an even higher 100 points! This, of course, is limited to 2 of these kinds of feedback a day.

Note: You must login to your account in order to earn points.  

What is the Exchange Rate?

When using these points for a discount on your purchase, you can exchange 1000 points to get a dollar off your purchase up to 15000 points ($15)at any given time! 


All points redemption happens upon checkout. You do this prior to selecting a payment method that you want to use to ensure that the equivalent discount is applied. You’ll find the option to use your points and the monetary discount the selected number of points allows in the Payment Methods. As you might expect, redemption of points for discounts can be used in conjunction with all allowable payment methods.

Maximums and Minimums

You can select between these two options to determine the method with which you accrue points. Setting a maximum cap will necessitate you spending your points prior to the receiving more points when the cap is hit. Setting a minimum cap means you have to reach a certain number of points before spending them. These allow different types of shoppers and budgeters an easy way to plan their reward points programs to suit their needs, habits, and personalities!

Managing Your Points

When you have a customer account set up, you will get a real time update of your reward points as you acquire them. From the Customer Account page, you can view your total number of points with the matching discount equivalent, the minimum that you need for redemption, and the maximum cap to your points. You can also see a comprehensive history of your reward points acquired, redeemed, or even lost. This record will retain the historical rates and currencies, including expiration notifications. Kindly note that points expire in the order in which they were first earned.

Important Notice: Points are only usable in our store as credits only. HorusRC does not allow “for-cash” redemptions. You can opt into email notifications every time your balance changes—be it acquisition, redemption, or expiration. This option is selectable in the Customer Account section.

Lastly, HorusRC reserves the right to change, without prior notice, any of the information contained herein. If there's any suspicious earned points, HorusRC reserved the right of final explanation.